Sometimes, we seek to protect our core, our internal light, our center or the essence of who we are. Usually, but not always, we do this when we are very young, potentially feeling defenseless, vulnerable, hurt or in danger. Or we may feel the need to protect our child self from the harshness of the adult world. Whatever the cause, we often put-up internal barriers to keep others away or create ways of being that allow us to fall under the radar and stay out of harm’s way. If over the years, the barriers remain erected or are continually reconstructed, eventually, they become a permanent protection. And ultimately, this defense evolves into our story that subsequently dictates our life and oversees our thoughts, our actions and our reactions.
Since this story is often carried through into adulthood, it becomes instrumental in determining who we are and how we live. As adults, we rarely need the protection our story afforded us as children; however, it has become so ingrained within us, that we generally fail to realize our lives are being ruled by it. Stepping outside its boundaries leaves us feeling scared or fearful, since we are also by default, then treading outside our comfort zones.
One way to become aware if you are living from an internal story or not, is to spend some time going over various happenings in your life and evaluating how you acted or reacted. For example, when an opportunity comes into your life, do you eagerly embrace it, waiting to see where it will take you, or do you spend a great deal of time debating the pros and cons before finally passing on it, because your mind, or rather your story, convinced you there would be a negative outcome? Remember what happened last time you tried something new?
Truly facing who you are, is one of the hardest things you will ever do, but the payoff is tremendous. Doing so reveals your fears, your joys and prepares you internally and externally, to face all that comes into your life – the positive and the negative. Life is pretty good about sending ample opportunities to learn from, sharing both good and not so good experiences with us. Each one gives us openings to come from our heart and let our story remain in the past, where it belongs.
Our freedom lies on the other side of our story, and to find it, we need to release our current way of being. It is a process, a journey in which we will go through many ups and downs, helping us to live a life filled with strength, confidence, self-love and freedom.
As you release your story and the corresponding hold your past has on you, life will become more open which helps you listen to the best guides you will ever have – your heart and your intuition. Be who you are and live your dreams, your passions and most of all, live your freedom.