We Matter … Each One of Us
How is it that birds can land on branch after branch and not fall off? How do they know which branch will support them? The truth is, they don’t. It’s not in the branch that they place their trust, rather it is in themselves.
Each one of us is born as a precious soul with our own unique gifts and talents that shape who we truly are. Yet, often life intervenes and influences who we become. Some of us live within abusive family situations, others are born into poverty, others have physical limitations and still others are taught that who they are isn’t good enough and that they don’t matter. And so over time many of us, women especially, bury our authentic selves in order to be included, accepted and loved.
The irony is that it doesn’t work and sadly, many women feel powerless to change. So they hold on tightly to their past, to their story, yes, often it is painful and their lives may be in turmoil as a result, but it’s all they know and they are scared of letting it go. What if they do and their lives become worse, what do they do then?
Yet, what if it becomes better? What if new opportunities present themselves? What if they become stronger with each step forward, no matter how tiny it is? What if they learn to trust themselves and give themselves permission to follow their passions? What if they learn to love themselves? What if their life becomes a blessing and they learn to not only accept themselves, but to accept those around them, without judgement or anger?
What if our journey isn’t about becoming anything, but rather about unbecoming everything that isn’t really us? What if we finally recognize that our stories matter, for they helped us move through adversity by inspiring us to grow stronger and more confident? What if we accept the teachings shared with us on our journey by understanding they helped us shift our perceptions? What if we can finally appreciate that our stories matter, because we matter?
It takes inner strength to stand tall in our uniqueness and authenticity as we face our fears. And the more we as women heal individually, the more the world heals, collectively.
What if We are Worthy and Enough … Just as We Are!