Breaking Free

For weeks now, I have been in a stressful situation as an undefined energy was over-riding most things in my life. The rigors and uncertainty of being in a new environment were enough to keep me off balance as I worked to overcome a huge learning curve.

Assessing the overall atmosphere while keeping my thoughts to myself, meant I was carrying a lot of negativity within me. It wasn’t long before I found myself feeling the effects of this intense and negative energy as stress soon became a daily part of my life. My body was drastically over-tired as a good night’s sleep was a thing of the past. Regardless how much of a positive attitude I was determined to maintain, when my guard dropped, so too did my optimism.

Energetically releasing the negativity and deliberately letting it go was helping, but there was still so much flowing in, that each new happening was over-riding all my efforts. My body was craving energy, so I supplemented my days with chocolate, lots of it, too much in fact. So rather than having my energy come from within, I was drawing on it from without, in the form of sugar. Good as it tasted, it was far from an ideal solution.

Eventually, I was able to share all that I had been keeping inside, well not all, since that would result in excessive complaining, but I did communicate the general concepts. Doing so, allowed much of the stress to dissipate and I could feel a healing take place both within and without. Then in an aha moment, I accepted that the depth of my disturbance had occurred because I had allowed it. It was my choice to become stressed or let the happenings go and since I hadn’t, everything in my world soon became shaped by the damaging negative energy.

It is so natural to get caught up in the emotions and drama when we are in the middle of a situation, that often we forget it is our choice to let them affect us or not. Trying to ignore or pretend the negativity isn’t there doesn’t work either, since we are only hiding the dilemma from our immediate consciousness. Concealing, rather than permanently dealing with the issues forces us to confront them continuously. We need to take control of our lives and own our actions. And that can only happen when we break free of the bubble we have placed ourselves in, and see our life as it is, and the potential that it can be. It’s always our choice, to let outside negativity override our life on a daily basis or to simply let it go, thereby filling our days with peace and harmony.

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