By Choice

All day I kept getting a nudge to take my mountain bike out for a ride, a really long ride. So finally, I set out, only to be stopped short when my chain fell off. I laughed at the irony, I was guided to go for a ride and then my bike broke down. I put the chain back on and headed out once again.

Travelling down a road I normally run on, I eventually came to a stop sign that marked where the pavement ended and a gravel road began. Feeling adventurous I rode down it.  I was quite surprised to see how many cars were using the gravel road, so I started watching the ones that came up behind me. Some drivers were very considerate and kept well to the left when passing, especially when we were going uphill. Others drove up right beside me, stepped on the gas and sprayed me with tiny rocks as they sped off. And still others made a conscious effort to really slow down, and wait until they were well ahead before increasing their speed.

Eventually, I reached another paved road and stop sign where I took a moment to chose whether to continue on or head back. Glancing at the darkening sky, I chose to turn around. As I swerved around the rocks and rode up and down the hills, I suddenly realized why I had been prodded to go out riding. This route was providing me with an excellent metaphor for life.

There were similarities between our normal day-to-day challenges, and the very real possibility of skidding on the gravel or being hit by stones from passing cars. The rolling hills represented the normal peaks and valleys of life. The temperaments of the drivers provided an ideal snapshot of the types of individuals who normally cross our paths. Some aid us on our travels, while others offer challenges geared to help us grow and overcome life’s obstacles.

It was at that moment I understood. I was being shown an analogy of life and encouraged to understand it. While others often try to influence us, we are the ones who get to choose if we want to follow their advice or simply move on. In life, difficulties may arise at any time, but it’s always our choice whether to persist and step up to the challenges, or to turn around and walk away.

My ride had become symbolic. I went on it because I chose to do so. It is up to us, individually, to choose whether we consciously move forward or step aside and just let life happen to us. And it is only through our perseverance, our commitment and our dedication to ourselves and our future that we continue on, regardless of what is in front of us.

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