Anything is Possible

The temperature was in the plus 30s, the sun was shining and a light breeze was blowing in through the open window. As I walked by it, I noticed a fly buzzing around the screen trying to get out. Back and forth across the screen he went, making little progress as he continually covered the exact same area.

As I watched, it dawned on me that he was depicting perfectly how we as individuals, often live our lives. Something catches our attention and off we go to pursue it, often doing the same thing over and over again, fully expecting a different result each time. And yet, nothing changes. Like the fly, we are unaware we are seeing only a small portion and that we are missing the bigger picture. Watching him, I could also see the parts of the screen that he refused to fly to. I saw that if he did, he would have been able to fly away. Out of curiosity, I tried to nudge him over so he can do exactly that, but he was determined to remain in the territory he had already marked out.

Much like him, we often become so fixated on something that we are unwavering in our faith that everything will work out exactly as we planned. The potential solution could be right in front of us, yet we often fail to see it as we concentrate solely on our own approach and expectations.

Ironically, even when the fly did dart into the other part of the screen and potential freedom, he stayed only a short time before scurrying back. Again, he was acting much as we do. We stick with what we know or think we know. How many times have we taken workshops or read books to broaden our view and potential and then when they were done, we went right back to doing what we had always done?

Opportunities abound in the other 95 percent; the part we aren’t always seeing. It is scary stepping out of our comfort zone for sure, but there is a whole world just waiting for us to fly into and start exploring. This anything is possible zone is wide open waiting for the adventurer in us to wander in, grab a hold of life and run with it, reviling in the freedom. It’s time to step off the same beaten trail and start walking on our own path, following it wherever it leads us. Imagine the freedom and the wonder of new journeys, simply because we stepped outside of our norm!

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